Instrument collection at Ronnie Scott’s on Saturday, 28th October 2017, 10am-4pm

Music Fund is my favourite charity: They collect instruments, repair them (if necessary) and bring them to conflict zones.

Give Music A Chance.

Please support them with a donation (easiest way is to come to my Classical Light Lounge evening where we have tip jars.)

However, tomorrow, from 10am-4pm at Ronnie Scott’s, you can support them directly by handing over a beloved (or not) instrument that you do not use anymore. Music Fund will check its condition and find it a new home. That could be a very keen youngster (or grandpa or anything in between) anywhere in the world.

My favourite story is how founder Lukas Pairon went to the Congo and taught a former gang leader how to repair guitars. One of the most touching moments for me was when I watched a documentary about Music Fund’s work in Gaza where a mother said “We live a life, you know. It makes me sad that all the world only knows us for the bombing and the violence. We eat, we go to school, we play music.” (quoted from memory)

Or a young girl in the same documentary who explains in only a few words how music is important to her even more because of all the violence she has experienced and the number of loved ones she has lost.

Music is important. To all of us. Let us try to give Music a chance. Everywhere.

Please come to Ronnie Scott’s tomorrow, or donate financially either at the Classical Light Lounge or via